Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fewer Young Gun Republicans signing the Anti-Tax Pledge

I was reading Redstate today on an article about possibly needing a third party. Relax they weren't calling for one they were just stating that one may come about from the crap that we are receiving from the current Republican party.

On that point I happen to agree with him. While the concept of a third party may work in some respects when it comes to congressional races, if and only if the third party can win, mostly all it would do is split the conservative vote and ensure that Dems would take over complete power. This is especially true when it comes to Presidential elections. For my first exhibit in that regard I give you Ross Perot.

What really got me was a small nugget down at the bottom that caught my eye.
By the way, this year fewer and fewer Republican candidates are signing the tax pledge on the advice of Republican members of Congress. This is another warning sign that the Eric Cantor led Republican conference is going far afield from what those who vote Republican actually want.
Now to be honest I could really care less if someone signs the tax pledge. The reason for that is I believe that politicians will do whatever it takes to get elected, and let's be honest if all they have to do is cross their fingers while they sign a pledge they have no intention of honoring, well then what's the point?

So I scurried over to the story they linked to, warning its from Huffpo, and gave it a look see. Apparently Scott Rigell is giving out advice to up and coming Republicans to avoid the pledge. Richard Tisei D-Mass, a Young Gun Republican, decided that signing a pledge didn't allow him to use his "convictions" while in office.

"I'm not signing any pledges," Tisei told The Huffington Post last week. "I'm just promising to use my best judgment as a congressman. And I think that's the problem in Washington right now. You have both Democrats and Republicans that are inflexible on certain issues."

Let me translate that for you, I want to be able to stab conservatives in the back and not get called on it. No politician has judgement, well maybe a couple, but even they get confused around election time when it comes time to keep a hold on their seat.

So sorry Tisei, I don't believe in your judgement, or your convictions, or whatever else you want to call them. I don't trust you, hell even if you did sign the pledge I still wouldn't believe you. Nothing personal I don't know you from Steve, but when something scares me about a politician that wants me to just "trust them, I know what I'm doing" Sorry not gonna happen.

Even still some of the Young Guns that are running haven't decided. Take Joe Coors, son of Holly and Joe Coors senior, grandson of the founder of Coors brewery, who's parents have donated millions to such organizations as The Heritage Foundation. While he told the Denver Press that he would not sign the pledge he has sworn off higher taxes, along with signing the Death Tax repeal pledge, and is committed to becoming a co-sponsor of the bill to introduce term limits to Congress. Something that has been missing for about 236 years.

He actually made a decent argument about the pledge, or his lack of signing the pledge anyway

"On more than one occasion, I watched members of the media say that House Republicans will not vote for any tax increases because they signed the ATR pledge," he said in his letter.
"To me, this claim is backwards: House Republicans are not against tax increases because they signed your pledge; they are against tax increases because higher taxes harm the overall health of the economy."

I'm not saying to go out and give money to or vote for Joe Coors, I don't live in CO and haven't learned that much about him, and quite frankly if you're waiting on me to tell you who to donate to and vote for your are completely wrong. However when from what I have learned from him the fact that he is trying to unseat a sitting Democrat tells me he's at least worth a look at.

All that being said, a couple things to keep in mind. 1) Never trust a politician. 2) Anything that is recommended by the "leadership" of the Republican party is probably going to piss you off. 3) Don't worry too much about pledges and who signed what, pay attention, if they have a record look it up, find out what they are actually like. If it turns out you were wrong, hell run for office yourself, maybe if we can get enough of us that are fed up with the crap the Boehner, Cantor, and McConnell consistently give us we can change some things.

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